1000-piece CMYK color gamut jigsaw puzzle


Some puzzles I have worked had parts that appeared to be the complete color gamut of black.

After doing pretty well on the [Pantone Hue-ordering test][1] that went around a while ago, I think I’d be good at this. Maybe too good? I’m not an expert puzzler, but assuming one could accurately distinguish the hues, this puzzle would almost be like reassembling a number line–not really the type of disorder->order I’m looking for.

However, if all the inner pieces were the same shape…well, that would be the sort of horribly frustrating endeavor* that I like to do in my spare time (hey, at work too but I get paid for that).

*Such as an autostereogram puzzle of world flags
[1]: http://www.xrite.com

Color has three degrees of freedom. I won’t be impressed unless the puzzle is 3-dimensional.

Four degrees of freedom.

Maybe it’s not the same thing, but degrees of freedom in statistics is n-1, so still 3?

Perfect gift for the chromografically challenged OCD relative you are not fond of.

No, a printer uses four inks, but only three are necessary in theory.

That depends upon which of the many meanings of the word “color” you are using. If you take it as meaning just hue than two dimensions are fine according to the Helmholtz Tristimulus Theorem and three dimensions are enough for complete human vision. But this theorem is know to be imperfect.

Hue is also hugely non-linear. Look at the grief that RCA went through in the early 1950s, trying to transmit video using RGB signal channels. They eventually gave up and defined their own color space in which a lot more signal range was reserved for the flesh tones.

I’d like to see variants of this puzzle, morphed for different types of color spaces.

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