Blackwater threatened to murder a chief State Dept. investigator in Iraq in 2007

Sinister name, check. Corrupt war profiteering, check. Wantonly killing civilians and allied soldiers, check. Threatening to kill investigators to demonstrate how the system was powerless against them, check.

Psy-ops on Americans, check.

Don’t forget a complicit military that practices psy-ops on American politicians while other parts of the military-industrial complex are busy treasonously spying on them and gathering dirt as well:

Explains a lot about what happened to Al Franken, in my opinion. Take a look at Al Franken’s “switcheroo” after being specifically targeted by military psy-ops:

EDIT: Whoops, just realized that article link is dead now. I archived it on my drive, so here’s the important excerpts:

Sen. Al Franken on NSA spying on U.S. citizens, then and now

In 2006, Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., was critical of the U.S. National Security Agency’s (NSA) spying on Americans and foreign nationals living in the United States. In fact, he called the whole notion of eavesdropping: “They’re trying to justify these warrantless wiretaps by saying, ‘Oh, it’s al-Qaida!’ One guy is saying it’s just al-Qaida — the Hayden guy, and then on the other hand, you hear from the FBI that they were inundated with referrals on all kinds of stuff with these calls, so much so that they couldn’t get to their real work, and that none of the referrals led anywhere.

“I think it’s a Roveian strategy: “We win on national security; we’ll scare people, and then we’ll just win.”

Now that he’s a U.S. Senator, Mr. Franken is singing a different tune: “I have a high level of confidence that this is used to protect us, and I know that it has been successful in preventing terrorism.

“There are certain things that are appropriate for me to know that is not appropriate for the bad guys to know.”

More on the psy-ops:

And, meanwhile, there’s still Americans that say they can’t see the harm in having this same, corrupt, power-hungery, money-hungry, military-industrial complex spy on them non-top via the NSA. Fucking morons.

At about this point in the movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger would be starting to blow up Blackwater outposts and gun down large numbers of black-clad mercenaries…

Frankly, I know some vets that would have liked to have fragged some of the Blackwater assholes while they were in Iraq for a host of good reasons. But, just on this treasonous murder threat alone I think it’s time for the United States to declare war on these evil fucks and bring them to justice. It’s time to take these fuckers down and that little silver-spooned, inbred Erik Prince bitch with them.

If they say they won’t be taken alive, let’s have some non-privatized, American special forces oblige them.

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