Chinese tourists with room full of Euro coins weren't counterfeiters; they got 'em from scrap cars

Shared washing machines are really unusual in France (in fact, I never see it, we have launderette or “lavomatic” as we say) but, yeah, it’s more common in Germany. I’d like it became a more common thing !

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Yeah, no laundromats in Spain either.

Or just weigh 'em.

I live in Finland. When I was a student (over 10 years ago), we had washing machines that used stored-value cards. Now you can probably pay by sending an SMS to the washing machine.

We still have ours, but I’m pretty sure my daughter wouldn’t want to part with it. I’ll have to keep an eye out for more coins that don’t look quite right the next time I visit Estonia. There are probably a lot of recirculated coins floating around now that Estonia is on the Euro, and being so close to Russia.

As you said: You live in Finland. :slight_smile:

In a bizarre twist, the hotel later turned out to be counterfeit.

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