Divorce complaint of Richard Feynman's second wife

Are you referencing a certain mass shooting? I don’t even understand how it connects to the idea of entitlement. It doesn’t imply that she had no right to divorce him, or that he deserves a woman somehow, but rather paints a fictional version of Feynman who reacts to his wife leaving him by being juvenile. Is the fact that people are often petty dipshits during divorces the ingredient in American culture that causes angry men to turn to mass-killings to express their anger? I find that unlikely since people are pretty petty during divorces in lots of cultures where mass shootings are substantially less common.

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Apparently not.

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I’m deleting my comments–arising from an immature portion of my brain. Reality is always more complex than blanket statements laid down by the unwise and unthoughtful as I am at times.


Good on you.
For the record, I work as a concept artist, and I wouldn’t have come this far without my girlfriend, whose support and input i value highly.

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