Dueling car ads highlight subtle sexism

what’s that got to do with what I said? there’s nothing in that study that I would dispute, so not sure what the relevance is. if my original meaning wasn’t clear enough, maybe #4 in this post will clear things up a bit.

You’ve derailed the discussion (a pair of VW ads, in case you’ve forgotten) and still failed to provide any tangible evidence of women, as a class, benefiting by being discriminated against at the point of hiring in skilled trades, nor how anyone benefits by men dying in higher percentages in certain categories of employment than women. The DOL list of “dangerous jobs” illuminates holes in occupational safety laws, nothing more. Dragging history into this is pointless. The past can’t be altered.


I’m just sad the ad had nothing to do with dueling cars.


If the majority of power is in the hands of males, then we live in a patriarchal society; it’s as simple as that.

In fact, think for a moment: what are the genders of the elite 0.1 percenters that were now ruling the united states through the lobbies that they spend on to carry out their will?


I was asked to provide evidence for something, so I did. I’m not derailing anything. It’s pretty off topic at this point though, so…

You still haven’t named three matriarchal aspects of human society.


You may be waiting a rather long time.


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