Full NHS hospital records uploaded to Google servers, "infinitely worse" story to come

What kind of stuff? Mine was raw Medicare claims, segments around ~500gb, unsuitable for CDs/DVDs.

Well, it now turns out that confidential health service data was delivered to an agency set up by Lovecraftian Great Old Ones, who used the information to rank every person in the British Isles according to their edibility, accompanying the ratings with tasting notes (“a naive little primary school teacher with a rather velvety finish and poignant aftertastes of apricot and childhood sadness”). Acting on this information, Hastur the Unspeakable recently ate Glasgow and everyone in it.

So yes, ‘infinitely worse’ may be an exaggeration, but less than you might think.


No, it’s more a matter of “oh no, it’s going to be on servers outside the EU, not subject to EU data laws - worse, it’s going to be on US servers”.
Whether it’s Google’s US server or Amazon’s US servers is less relevant.


Let’s get Carl Malamud in here STA…oh, wait, nevermind.

3.5" or 5.25"?

And for smaller measurements, football pitches or double-decker buses.

The news of the breach comes after the collapse of a scheme under which the NHS would sell patient records to pharma companies, insurers and others

Last I heard it had merely been delayed by six months and is still going to go ahead so I don’t think it has “collapsed” at all.

NEVER… someone is making money off this, so it must be good. Making money is the most moral of actions, so says saint Ayn…


8" SSSD.

(ignore this; extra padding)

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yeah nothing like that, i think ours was CPT data.

Brilliant! Whatever you’re drinking, I want some!

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