Google's lobbyists go big on climate change denial, raise money for Inhofe & Competitive Enterprise Insitute

1Denier, n. One who denies (first known use 15th century)
2Denier, n. 1. A small originally silver coin formerly used in western Europe; 2. A unit of fineness for yarn equal to the fineness of a yarn weighing one gram for each 9000 meters (first known use 15th century)

So, no. And you’d think someone who uses “begs the question” to mean raising a question would accept how words are actually used instead of trying to be pedantic about them, but apparently irony is mandatory.

You know we can see what you wrote, right? A large body of scientists, including nearly everyone who specializes in climate science, has been propagating the existence of anthropogenic global warming, and yet:

So are we done here, or do you feel the need to back-peddle more?