How big corporations and government spy agencies surveil and sabotage activist groups


Let me be one of the first to say the following:


Wait, so let me get this right: they get to use their unlimited resources to buy politics ala Citizens United, they pay NO real taxes, AND they get to sabotage/surveil surreptitiously? I declare shenanigans! We do not appear to live in a capitalist society, but rather, #preparelather, we appear to live in a fascitalist (neologism?) society…and if it isn’t already crystal clear, I’m not too happy about it. And neither should you be, freedom-loving worldian (also neologism?)…

P.S. People b4 profit, word.


P.P.S. It’s snowing here, just now, so you know it’s real… :wink:


I prefer Earthican, myself.

I like it. I am earthican…


This works on a subliminal level as well, well-played…:wink:


“I’m down here, man, in the well…”

Of course the way corporations put it: People be for Profit.

So we must be not…



You can thank the creator of Futurama for that one.

For what it’s worth, I’d leave this well for the Belt any day.

Figured. Futurama is where it’s at.

Where it’s at, word.

It’s snowing harder now, and the flakes feel like they’ll stick.

Well…it’s beautiful…

The first state police agency in the US was the Pennsylvania State Police, which was formed specifically and openly because the mine bosses were tired of paying hired thugs to break strikes and persecute union members out of their own pockets, so they found a way to offload that cost onto the taxpayers. I see no reason to think that other similar agencies formed since then were not inspired by this and conceived in a similar mold.


"In effect, corporations are now able to replicate in miniature the services of a private CIA, employing active-duty and retired officers from intelligence and/or law enforcement. " This is how STRATFOR started out. It’s actually a great news service, if you can afford it.

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So. What can I do today in less than half an hour to do something about this?


I feel compelled to read Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” again. I recollect a rather simple and ingenius way to circumvent such intrusions into organizations…

Just watched The East last weekend which is a dramatization of this very subject and recommend it to anyone that feels like watching it. Didn’t hurt that Ellen Page was in it or that Ridley and Tony Scott had hands in producing it. Thought provoking and timely as well. Maybe even inspiring if the infiltrators truly do have hearts.

That method couldn’t stop the warden from infiltrating, it could only limit the damage done. (remember they didn’t have to worry about eavesdropping because the internet was 0wn3d by Mycroft.)

It’s definitely worth a re-read, but the black hats can read that book as well. Revolution and counterrevolution are coevolved like immune systems.

That is actually still my favorite of his books, though I hadn’t thought about it in connection with this.

Makes me wish - for purely academic reasons of course - that a revolution would result in access to all the precise details of these ongoing shenanigans. As a liberated society we could then all take our time perusing the sure-to-be-gobsmacking material and shake our heads at the notion that we ever allowed ourselves to live under such a system. As a side-bonus, reality TV could be populated for years with the show trials of these traitors. And for lighter entertainment we could follow former banksters and various social parasites around with a camera to “see how they get along” after being handed a broom and told “sweep or starve”.

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Agent provocateur is nothing new. I suggest all of you research the Black Panthers. Here’s a hint - it didn’t start there and it didn’t end there.

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Indeed. Hard to see how anyone with even a bit of history under their belt can act so shocked over this.

Yep. Goes back to ancient Greece, at least.
I’m not shocked. (“I’m a scientist. Nothing shocks me.”)
I am bloody annoyed.