Interview with Trump supporters: his presidency would be "classy"

Assholes get elected to high office all the time, but at least Tony Abbott had years of relevant job experience as a cabinet minister and member of parliament. Trump would be the very first U.S. President to assume the job with absolutely zero public service experience whatsoever. He’s never spent a day in his life actually doing the work of a person in government; not as an elected official, not in an appointed position, not in the military. Nada. Also, despite all those speeches Trump has yet to announce a single policy proposal. He’s not just an asshole, he’s one of the least qualified assholes to ever seek the office.


That actually makes perfect sense. Contemporary right wing governments govern badly in the hopes that people will think government is bad and vote for them because they are “anti-government” (anti government governments, that is). Socialist governments actually want to do good things and try to use resources wisely to do that (we’re not talking about insane dictators murdering their own people, but Scandinavian countries). If you hate the stupid shit government does, then socialism is the way to go, or actually get rid of the government entirely.


Holy. Fucking. Shit. I have a friend who doesn’t like monkeys. When I asked him why, he explained that they’re so similar to us that when he sees them doing random monkey things like masturbating and flinging their shit, it reminds him of our basest elements, and it depresses him. That’s how I felt reading this post.



I always took his nihilism to be a sort of defense, no one could point out the flaws of a society o well without being heavily invested in it in the first place.

Its walls all the way down.


Yeltisin did good things during the '91 hardline coup attempt, standing on tanks and whatnot. Trump has never done a good thing in his life. Yeltsin lost fingers when he was young by attempting to disassemble a hand-grenade with a hammer. Trump has never hammered on anything more dangerous than a podium. Yeltsin had terminal alcoholism, Trump has terminal assholeism.


If only he was still alive - Trump’s perfect running mate - Classy Freddie Blassie.


I hope, really, really, really, hope that Trump DOES get to run all the way to the election, either as an R or an I. Why?

  • Berkeley Breathed is back, and the Trump provides lots of comic fodder.
  • Aside from the boneheads, a lot of middle-of-the-road R’s and unaffiliated voters would swing away from the R’s if Trump were running.
  • A fractured and clueless Republican party and candidate is exactly what we need to push swing voters toward Bernie Sanders. Bernie’s almost the polar opposite of Trump, except that he’s also a loudmouth, but al least the Senator from Vermont is a cogent loudmouth.

Oh I would say rape “trumps” :wink: racism. He is a homicider also.

I now realize that explaining Sharpton in the WH would be impossible. Thank you for telling wild old me who I support. Are you psychic? BTW, this seems to be a lopsided conversation - BORING. What exactly does “add value” mean? Would the value be greater had I said “Trump is a racist clown with bad hair and no solutions and the people in NH were not picked from a crowd and represent all the sad uncles of New England?”

Andy Kaufman could be their campaign manager!


Because you have no evidence to support your claim. That’s how convincing rational people works.

Then why are you here?

It means you say interesting things. Instead of obnoxious word-salad.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. It’d be copying someone else verbatim-ish, rather than saying something that’s at least interesting.

Why don’t you try to back up 1.) Your claim about Al Sharpton having “unfettered access to the White House”, with some facts and evidence. and 2.) why you don’t like that using reasons and thoughts.


In a word? Television.


Trying to put yourself in the mindset of a person whose first association with Donald Trump is “classy” is a rather scary exercise.


You know, I never really knew what directors did till I became one and found that it wasn’t as easy being a PHB as it looks. Shrub might just have been a figurehead but Clinton wasn’t, Obama isn’t, and Bush Snr. wasn’t. The combination of analytical, creative (yes) and people skills needed to be a successful president is really too much to expect of anybody, so the skill of being a diplomatic team leader who listens as well as transmits is key. From what we are seeing Trump manages the transmit, and that’s it.

Years ago I recruited a middle class woman for a basic factory floor job. I found out that during the 1980s they had become badly financially overextended, and the resulting problems had caused her to lose her job and a lot of other things. There was a general election coming up and I asked her, out of curiosity, how she intended to vote. She said that right through the 1980s and until now she had voted Conservative. I asked her, given her dependency on the Welfare State for part of that period, why. She said “Because Margaret Thatcher told us we would be rich.”


Why do people talk about “government” as if it’s a scalar variable? I think there’s a useful distinction to make between bureaucracy, government, and state. They frequently coincide, but they’re not identical.

Can you not imagine a form of government that’s different in kind, not just in extent?


In Northern England, ‘Trump’ is slang for ‘fart’.


I can’t help feeling that in a years time Trump is going to look in the mirror and say to himself “Holy shit they elected me. It was just supposed to be a publicity stunt.”


That doesn’t sound like Trump at all…

I’m pretty sure he’d look in the mirror and say “I can’t believe it took this long to get elected. This country is full of idiots. Of course I should own it. I’m rich after all.”


The people who jump right into “AL SHARPTON AND JESSE JACKSON” are 99% Tea Partiers.

Nobody on the political left cares about those media personalities. You embrace the rightwing noise machine, no matter what you self-identify with. Instead of offering anything interesting to discuss, you’re fixated on the same white supremacist race-warfare.*

If you want to be perceived as a stunningly rugged independent, try not happily/proudly repeating GOP memes and offer something that indicates you have the capacity to reason beyond what you’re told to think.

*Someone who believes that Al Sharpton has unfettered access to the white house because he shares skin coloration with the President contains some regressive-ass thoughts clunking around in their skull.