Kentucky court clerk jailed until agreeing to do her job or quit it

Technically, it’s oblique enough to not actually refer to women having relationships with other women, but eh, it’s probably what he was trying to say. Who am I to declare the natural use of a woman?

Are you seriously going to tell me you want to risk unleashing her on the world with an Amy Winehouse 'do? I’m hurting myself just trying to picture it.

won’t she just go outside in the dark and gnash her teeth?

They should make her swear on the precious.

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Wait, her teeth have SWF files?

(I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but…) They are all hanging out on Facebook.


I saw it more along the same lines as “we’re worried about what might happen if we integrate these public pools. So, no more public pools.” (I’m told this is what happened to the public pools in Nashville, as we drove past an abandoned pool ca. 1986)


When you put it like that, I’m reminded of the Terry Schiavo case.

This is what you people don’t understand, with your unreasonable suggestion that she quit her job if her religious scruples prevent her from performing it. She NEEDS to stay incumbent, to keep the seat warm for the anointed successor IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPHECY.


She won’t actually WRITE the book. She’ll have it ghostwritten for her, and will do paid appearances. Right now, she’s getting just $80k for talking.


oh is that all

Most rational scholars recognize Paul’s letters to the Romans as condemnation of pagan rituals and practices which included ritualized temple sex - inclusive but not limited to homosexual acts between men and boys, man on man, and woman on woman. It’s pretty clear the context was disapproval of idolatry and not a broad prohibition of committed, loving, same-sex relationships.

We know this because of the language Paul used in the original Greek text - choosing the words arsenokoitai and arsenokoites (referencing shrine prostitutes) instead of more appropriate words describing homosexual behavior like dihetaristriai, erastes or paiderasste.

It’s remarkable how many die-hard Christians fail to actually read the fucking book they espouse from.


It is my understanding that the clause in Leviticus about “not lying with another man as with a woman” means “thou shalt not steal all the duvet over to thine own side”.


No no no; it’s all about the arseno-whotsit - because buttsecks!!! It’s right there in the word!!!.

Did I get enough ‘!’ in there?

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cf: “coitus”

(I like word stuff.)

They’re part of the same stream…

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Don’t tell the evangelicals that. We’ll have a whole new holy war.

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She is quoted as saying “I never imagined a day like this would come, where I would be asked to
violate a central teaching of Scripture and of Jesus Himself regarding marriage.”

Where in the four gospels does “Jesus Himself” ever mention marriage or homosexuality?


From what I understand, the 6 deputies under her were asked if they’d sign off on marriages - 5 said yes, the 6th was her son…


I believe that’s probably Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Russia… Though I think Iran has an out via gender transition, oddly enough. Apparently, that’s Halal, but gay sex is haram?

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