Lessons from Glitch

Gosh, I miss that game. http://www.glitchthegame.com/profiles/PCR2HLTMPIL11HJ/ was me.

Boing Boing introduced me to Glitch. I had a pretty tight crew of friends on there. After the game closed many of us stayed close. This was me: http://www.glitchthegame.com/profiles/PHFCA0VG30D2LVR/

I was no one of consequence but I was there. I miss you Rube.

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I wasn’t anyone either but Glitch suited me perfectly. I miss it.

If you ever came back from being AFK to find your pockets full of random items, onions, sparkle powder, more onions, cups of water, even more onions, awesome stews and onions that might have been me.

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