Mind-bending animated GIF illusions

But I´d still rather call those animations than illusions.

No one is stopping you. :wink:

That’s just like your opinion, man.

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This one looks like a POV from the FSM, noodley appendages and all.


Whatever the technology, knowing MS it will create a gaping security hole which they will somehow not anticipate, and will be disabled in Win 8.3 and removed entirely from Win 8.4 onward.

Oh man, this reminds me far too much of my salvia divinorum trip in college…

“The picture of what we’re seeing is an illusion, since our eyes are only looking at one portion of it at a time, scanning around to things that attract our nervous interest, the brain putting it altogether – and hopefully correctly. But not necessarily so, as things may have changed that we literally did not see, and although they are there, they are not in our mental illusory image.”

said the layman.

Not illusions. Just sayin’


not exactly the same, but fun.

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