Reputation Economy Dystopia: China's new "Citizen Scores" will rate every person in the country

Down and Out in the Middle Kingdom?

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I’m sorry but I lost track of the witty points you were trying to make in your arguments. Is it basically “we can’t judge the Chinese because I say so?”

Summarizing this entire thread in a nutshell.

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Roughly when you proposed that “the suppression of political liberties was a necessary prerequisite for the economic success and lifting of half a billion people from subsistence-farming levels of poverty”.

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No, that doesn’t warrant a jump to Mao either. You assume I was referring to the Great leap forward. But I was quite clearly not.

A realist (politically speaking) approach. Probably not the most popular way of looking at the world around here.

I’d probably rather call my position something like practical sunyata. But no matter your view on fundamental fundamentals of reality, I think it would be - especially for the purposes of discussing policy - impractical to deny that entities or phenomena generally referred to as “states” are decision-making actors. (Which brings with it a set of simplifications and assumptions which should be acknowledged.)


Who exactly do you think you’re having a debate with here, since no one is up to your standards?

Ok, I will stop now. I was caught up in a burning passion to express my thoughts. I am sorry if I came across as an asshole. I do not enjoy making other people feel bad, annoyed or angry.


I’m not calling you an asshole but you do seem to feel that everyone is wrong, wrong, wrong no matter what they argue (if it doesn’t agree with you). It doesn’t seem like much of a conversation because there is no meeting of minds.

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Yes, we haven’t really connected on what is the point of the discussion. I kept on expanding my initial idea and we never really sorted out the subject of the disagreement.

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