The world's weirdest fruits

Persimmon, ground cherry, mullberry (delicious, but not as delicious as Persian mullberry ZOMG!), uh… say what is that next thing? And are those red huckleberries after that? No idea, and yes: untamed gooseberry.

awww that is too bad, but you made the right call at the time. better safe then sorry if you don’t readily recognize a plant! well, now you know for next time. :slight_smile:

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The things that look like red huckleberrries are serviceberries. They come in blue as well, are sometimes ripe when blue, sometimes when red. They’re a tree, but taste like blueberries, more prominent seeds then blueberries. It seems like a cheat, like somebody made a more sparing blueberry bush into a prolific tree somehow.
The one’s after that are hawthorn, that have often insect bitten fruit, but I like them. Viscious thorns on the tree, about an inch long,

Marketed as a cardiac tonic. The one following that is wintergreen, which tastes like the lifesaver of that flavor, only less sweet.

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I love hawthorne trees, fruits and haw flakes! But there are so many different varieties! There’s some real old trees on the curb strip of a house here in Portland that are just beautiful in late summer and fall (and winter, and uh . . . now).

Grenadilla is horned mellon/kiwano, right?

No, it is a yellow fruit related to passion fruit.
Grenadilla = Passiflora ligularis
Passion fruit = Passiflora edulis
I’ve been eating them every day for the last few weeks, can’t get enough of them. :slight_smile:

The seeds do look kinda similar, but the flavor of grenadilla is like tangy juicy fruit, where i find horned melon to be more like borage flower or cucumber, a cool flavor.

For some people all fruit is weird…
I Just Ate Fruit for the First Time

Eating it felt like chewing on grass that was wrapped around chilled mucus.

You know, that was a pretty good description of eating a grape.

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