Wizard of Oz, the medical drama

The transformed royal family is one of my favorite sequences in all the Oz books. That and the many heads of Princess Langwidere still stand out vividly in my mind.

/edit: saw this on reddit: Reddit - Dive into anything

I just looked up on tvtropes:

There’s a CGI movie in pre-production from John Boorman, the director of Zardoz.


and for those of you who don’t know why/forgot why* this is a big deal just look at the last two images

*or those who have not had sufficient time to rewatch the movie over and over again to absorb all the insanity

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I so need to see that in Oz.

Paramedic Dorothy: “He’s going into shock! We need to get him into surgery RIGHT NOW!”

Guy at reception: “You can’t come in here! No way no how!”

Dorothy: “I’m getting real sick of your bullshit! What are all these monkeys doing in here?”

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Someone once gave me a purple footstool and I squeed. Ooh ooh, how about the dinner pail tree? The fruit is a red dinner pail–the lid has a compartment for lemonade, and inside, growing on a separate stem, a ham sandwich, a sponge-cake, a pickle, a slice of cheese, and an apple. And the tree has napkin leaves. That has always stuck in my mind. (Yes, I am a recovering IWOOC member.)

Now I’m thinking how many Oz characters would be good cosplay for rotund people, or people of non-hot non-buff body types in general. Hmm…

The real pitch:

A: Know what we did with “Elementary”? Let’s do the same with Wizard of Oz/medical drama.

B: All we need is a lead whose name is an already established brand.

A: Pass the coke.

Yes, the lunch pail tree is probably the third crown jewel in my mind. :smiley:

Good point about cosplay!

Ah, so it’s this then:

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If the music is all done by The Blanks I may just support this

If they can do it with Sherlock Holmes (House, MD), then they can do the same with OZ (why they would want to I’ll never know).

BTW - I went through the entire show of House not knowing it was basically Sherlock Holmes (Holmes and Watson/House and Wilson).

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