$1B/year climate denial network exposed

Considering the Glaciers use too extend too the equator, we are having little effect.

The Solar pulse of our sun on the other hand is something we know little about.

So… the article included wants monetary subscribers before they can tell about those who get monetary funding? Seems sketchy.

Maybe I read that wrong.

Hahaha! Wow.

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Clearly, climatology is not your forte. That solar pulse thing, though, watch out for that, okay?


Climate change is a political issue because there are businesses who are trying to dodge responsibility for their share of the remediation cost, and because ecological issues tend to favor Liberals.


Well come on, the glaciers use too extend too the equator, now they don’t. Was it humans or something else that causes earths warming? If its natural, we can take all the money we like saying its not or is happening, won’t make a difference but for a bank account.

Your intentionally obtuse pedantry is not as clever as you think. “Nuclear war can’t destroy the planet — worst case scenario it destroys all life, but the planet will still be intact.”

You won’t get a “your arguments are convincing” for a very good reason: They’re not. They barely even qualify as arguments.


Reality has a well known liberal bias.


You are correct although I can hypothesize:

We know little about our sun’s actions. There are geological records of extreme heat recorded in Cedar tree rings and in geological layer accounts. Yes I am no scientist.

Our understanding of our universe is rather premature IMO

Beyond the methane destruction of the dinosaur and retreat of the glaciers, there is an under laying dimension of existence that is not yet understood.

I contend the Sun has a vibrant pulse that expanse and contracts with time, more time then we will ever see.

I contend the Sun has a vibrant pulse that expanse and contracts with time, more time then we will ever see.

Are you an astrophysicist?


This goes with his belief that homo sap originated in Australia. Apply appropriate sized grain of salt. I’m starting with a 5-pound block and working upward.


Since I am not an astrophysicist nor scientist, can I not be allowed too offer a subjective analogy?

If you want to be taken seriously, it really helps to understand the topic at least at a basic level before offering opinions about it.


OK.CCCM NGO get 900 million dolloars and yad yad yad. So what.

I and you or anyone would take a part of that pie if they/we had the werehow.

If its the funding your all woohooing about, i see where I went I astray.

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Thanks for that great comment!

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How do ecological issues favor liberals? Most advocates of market liberalization ignore negative economic externalities like climate change induced by carbon emissions. Most opponents of market liberalization support regulating corporations and reducing their ability to pollute. The greens are much closer to democratic socialists and social democrats than to neo-liberals.

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If it is such a big ticket, why then is the article not free for all on the journal homepage? If it is such a big deal, why did it take them a year to get it published? As written, it is a very US-centric view whereas climate change and especially the climate change denying is global. This looks like one big money spinner for the journal.

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When Americans say “liberals” we don’t mean neo-liberals, we mean (relative) leftists, who would mostly be considered center-right by foreign standards, but the term also encompasses the “fringe” of hippies, socialists, idealistic college students, and the like. Barack Obama and Howard Zinn are both “liberals” to the average American.

We’re not big on nuance.


Try imagining a world where you’re not the only fucking living thing on it.
Jesus Christ.


Because it’s about collective action.


I see the mercenaries are here.