No, that was an overly obscure, semi-musical ‘pun’ meant to riff on my feeling that the 24 hour news cycle which feeds a lot of people “information” which makes them aware but also depressed, is now mostly in the hands of people with power who use it to manipulate. That whole post (of mine) was ill-formed.
I like your formulation/response better than mine.
Well, I can’t fault you for being depressed about the state of the world, and cynical about everything… we all kind of are lately.
I have always had dogs. Each one had a distinct personality and behaved in different way from the other dogs I had known. I came to see that most animals were unique individuals, just the way my dogs were. That every cow, pig, and chicken were unique, individual beings. Beings who are raised in conditions of mind-bending cruelty as factory products, then killed, processed and served to people to eat.
It isn’t clear to me whether this truth is an example of willful ignorance or knowing participation in a system of horrific cruelty because steaks taste so good. I believe that by not eating animals (well, the occasional salmon, now and then) I am acting in an altruistic way.
Huh. My guess would have been roughly 31%.
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