Um, no. This is a forum. If you aren’t interested in having your posts replied to, then this is not the place for you to make those posts.
This is not Quora. We don’t decide that only posts from those with verified credentials may remain. If you have specialized knowledge about a topic, then post it along with your comments - other readers are free to take that into consideration when they read what you write.
This is also true of responses. If someone responds to a well-researched post that includes references with disbelief, that’s their prerogative - and the prerogative of other readers to judge how much weight to give to their response, and other responses in the future.
…is not a weapon to silence criticism, but instead common-sense policy for when a user has specific issues with others, and is a stopgap until Discourse has an ignore feature. Do not repurpose a policy that exists to avoid harassment into one that stifles discussion, please.