A beautiful timeline of a future in which the climate crisis is met and overcome

There are two positives to global warming

  1. It demonstrates the inherent limitations of what capitalism is able to accomplish for humanity in unambiguous terms

  2. Maybe it will kill off humanity

Blows my mind how many people think some free market opportunity is going to suddenly appear and some strapping young innovator is going to save the day and make a ton of money doing it

Love AOC though, at least someone is there to give the oldies hell and call them out on their self-serving bullshit. I allow myself to believe a few white lies to help me through the day, and who knows, maybe we’ll make it. Never seen anything like this election cycle in my life…

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I voted for AOC. I think her youth lends her the idealism we need, even though I can’t see it shifting much in the face of Global Capitalism.


Well, that is a possibility. If it is any reassurance, in a couple million years after we are gone, the world will be back to its normal spinning and we will leave a barely noticeable blip in the fossil record. Not terribly reassuring to me, I would really rather deal with the problem and not be a curse to my offspring, but there are very powerful forces that have no interest in making even slight sacrifices for the sake of their children. They are horrible monsters.


Yep.Right on the nose.

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It’s a chilling image. The Earth just a spinning rock with nothing but creeping life forms upon it. An artless globe. What will we have lost? Beethoven. Shakespeare. Dante. Pinacles of human achievment, burned to ash. Even our ancients will be gone. Euripedes. Homer. Sappho. Ancients that somehow survived for milenea, but that died with us: burried, burned, destroyed. Even if by some chance inteligent life returned to the planet, all that will be eternally gone.


That is very poetically depressing.


Yeah I also realized after I made that joke that I’ve read that a lot global warming damage is predicted to be meted out on developing nations but I was trying to be funny and suggest animals ought to take back the planet! Seems like people got the cut of my jib…

I think I see the flaw in your arguments.

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