After industry adopts open video standards, MPEG founder says the end is nigh

I can absolutely guarantee you that pro media shops do not have unlimited IT budgets, because if they did, I would be a lot more wealthy than I am. :wink:

Also remember that those pro media shops make all the stuff everyone watches all day long, so their ability to streamline workflows does have downstream ramifications.


h.265 4k already pegs my computer’s cores. Granted, it’s a generation behind Skylake.

Fair enough - I was thinking of outfits like Weta Digital, or Pixar, who really do have unlimited IT budgets.

But that aside, it’s still a much smaller user community than “everyone on earth”

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I work with some of the biggest media companies on the planet. Again, they do NOT have unlimited IT budgets! :slight_smile:

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Ok. Well, several years ago I assisted with outsourcing some services to Weta. Obviously their budget wasn’t literally unlimited, and they usually negotiated like Olympic champions, but if they really wanted or needed something … they got it. Yesterday. And we’ll talk about the price tomorrow.


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