"American Indian headdresses" banned from major San Francisco festival

Warning, off topic, but it must be said!

Au contraire, mon frère. I’ve had 2 white roommates who opted for dreads, and lordy, the time they spent on those things! At the time, I wasn’t really aware of the cultural appropriation angle, but I thought it very disingenuous to portray this image of, “I don’t care what people think, I don’t care about image,” (for this was their idea), but then spend hours a week maintaining this appearance of not caring. Unless you want one big, bulbous dread, as a straight-haired person, they take a LOT of work.

And, now I see that it’s not an act of laziness by any hair-type. Thanks for clarifying. I’ve never had a non-white roommate with dreadlocks. So much to do. So much to see. So much to learn.

Aaaand, too many to keep quoting, I see that others have already informed you of the misunderstanding in your original post. Sorry to pile on, but I already typed it all up and all :wink: