American wages are so low, the robots don't want your job

When you’re talking about absurdly high taxes (99% as @lolipop_jones suggested) on a very few people with absurdly high wealth, it’s not a myth.

if only




I think you’re taking me out of context.

What Ford did by having the guts to pay his workers a living wage and keeping their work hours to a mere 40 a week was to attract the very best hard workers who were far more productive and loyal than any of the competition. That winning formula worked and the industry changed to follow suit.

But back then, there were trade barriers, bloody wars, and severe ideological differences between rival powers. One did not simply set up a factory in China, export frivolous consumer goods to first world nations and expect to make a profit.

It’s only recently that capital can move around so freely, and by doing so, there’s no barrier it can’t circumvent simply by setting up shop elsewhere. This leaves the workers who want a living wage for hard work and a better life with nothing but desperation in its wake.

Tax farming was also a feature (bug?) of Ancient Rome. The much hated “tax collectors” of the Bible were publicani, Roman tax farmers.

As you say, near-limitless opportunities for corruption under that system. It’s been disastrous every time it’s been tried, at least to my knowledge.


This is why it should be done at the Federal level.


Hey, I remember when “peak oil” was a thing, too!

mr fusion

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