Apple's tax-dodging offshore billions are sunk into Treasury Bills that pay out using Americans' taxes

My main takeaway from Economics was to stock up on physical gold, except gold’s too expensive, so buy silver. That way, when inflation is so high that we’re like the Weimar Republic (at least as the economics teacher described it to us), we can simply go turn in one of our gold or silver bars and buy dinner.

However, this presumes two things:

  1. That if things ever reached such a point, I wouldn’t be shot, and my carcass eaten, when I leave the house, and
  2. That the photographic process which makes silver so valuable will not be replaced by something better in the early 1990s or so, and that that process won’t be rendered obsolete by inexpensive digital photography.

Long story short I do not own any precious metal bullion (I may have some old Knorr bullion though).