Archaeologists reveal the white supremacist nonsense behind Netflix's "Ancient Apocalypse"

I actually sat down to watch this with my curious 8-year-old son, but as soon as I saw Graham relying on his Rogan appearance for credibility, which was within the first minute, I bailed. Thanks for confirming my suspicions, and I am a sporadic Rogan listener and how I found out about it in the first place.

I have to say, there is very little fun to be had anymore listening to Rogan. He comes off as a drug-addled narcissist. At least, in the beginning, he was just drug addled.

You found out about the white supremacist bullshitter on the podcast of a racist transphobe?

Cool story, bro.


He was always this. That you notice now indicates growth by you, but he was always this.


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