As browsers decline in relevance, they're becoming DRM timebombs

That’s why I said DRM Fooey aside.

I’ve expanded in great length about how EME does not include any DRM at all, not one shred, zero, zip, zilch. It is simply an api for discovering and interacting with third party CDMs which are NOT baked in and are NOT part of the browser.

All the EME does is switch the bindings from <embed> and <object> tags to <video> tags, which give the browser more control over the content (play/pause/mute/etc.), allow people with disabilities to access the content, and provide better sand boxing and security and privacy for the end user.

In 2016, ALL the major browsers already use EME, this is just making the standard official. Nothing is changing.

What I’m more curious about is this “browsers decline in relevance” business…