Atari acquires Intellivision, 45 years too late

Intellivision II [intv2] - MAME 0.239 (ILP32) (

You can play online, but would probably help to have a better key-map to work with…


Mom became one of, if not the first woman field computer tech back in 1977. She told me about the weird games they’d play on the machines at work. One was an all-text sort of D&D thingie. A little later, it, or a similar game, had rudimentary graphics.

When the Atari 2600 became a thing, mom bought a deck from a fake high school ‘friend’ of mine. She’d brought it over months before and left it with us, so mom told her she’d give her $50 for it, and she could still play on it whenever she liked.

Mom’s coworkers had been bringing in their Atari games & making copies of their chips with the prom burner at work. They built little circuit boards - like those in the cartridges - which held the chips, with a neat little switch affair who locked in and ejected the chip. We had loads and loads of games - the little clear plastic snap-shut cases with black foam inside, cradling 2-4 chips within, tiny labels w/The Name of the Game on each. Remembering them is all warm and fuzzy-making :smiley:

One night while still in high school, I stayed up ridiculously late playing Asteroids, and flipped it. I was In The Zone: I didn’t have to look directly at any of my targets, and efficiently cleared each screen.

Another one I really dug was Yar’s Revenge, which we got later on from one of mom’s coworkers. I got damn good at it, too, but never did flip that one.


If anyone is feeling pangs of need, this looks to be a reasonable starter kit - Mattel Intellivision Ii W/ Games |


German gaming magazine TeleMatch gave the game a very positive review, giving it a one out of six, which is the highest on their rating system

one star would not – oops, sorry – would recommend. :star:

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