Bike nerd vs e-bike: wrapping it all up

Which kit did you use and the approximate cost? Just starting my research…

Yea, Queen Anne might justify keeping that electric bike. Congratulations on biking.

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I used the Bafang BBSHD kit. My local e-bike shop, California Ebike, carried the kit and a fairly large capacity 48 V, 17.5 Ah battery. Each was about $600, plus about $200 for a few extra pieces like the 52 T chainring. I think prices may be somewhat higher now due to tariffs on these Chinese made components.


Oh my. Note to self: don’t go down that rabbit hole.

It seems that a religious debate mixed with physics spun out of this particular topic. Physics told, counterintuitively, that fat tires can have a lower resistance, if driven at the same pressure. Schwalbe quoted this on their marketing material. Hilarity Dogmatic schism ensued.

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What did you use? I’m interested in doing similar

I have an X-Treme X-Cursion. I use it for commuting to work.

One other advantage I’ve noticed with fat slicks on my bike: it rides vastly better as well.

I suppose at racing speeds skinnier tires may have an aerodynamic advantage - has anyone quantified that?

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