California's charter schools: hundreds of millions of tax dollars for wasteful, redundant, low-quality education

I agree with you wholeheartedly, up to a point. No gripes with your assessment of the damage charter schools are doing. Also, yes, families need to be brought into their children’s educations. Schools should be a center of the community, where everyone learns and everyone takes part.

However, just offering classes for the parents, and “encouraging” them to care completely ignores the context poor parents are operating in. I’ll link to my previous comment about the additional challenges to kids and their parents, but tl;dr, if the school is failing, and the parents can’t/won’t help out, it’s a safe bet that the parents are suffering too, as well as the infrastructure, policing, and all other supports that people in wealthier areas enjoy are crumbling too. It’s much harder to poor parents to make up the difference, and rich parents can phone it in, and their kids will still be fine.