Amen. And most importantly, IMHO, by reusing rockets Space X has reduced the cost-to-orbit astronomically. (pun kinda intended)
NSFW warning, please!
My altitude definitely influences my attitude. At ground level, I’m fairly chill. Stick me on top of a ladder, and I’m cacking myself.
So do the others have advancements or efficiencies that might translate outside of space tourism?
Might Virgin mark 16 or whatever in the future turn out to be a highly efficient way to move people to orbital platforms or is it going to be like buying a Maserati to go to the grocery store?
I would love to see this Include the Apollo missions, at More than 200 THOUSAND miles.
Can we please stop talking about these tax-evading egomaniacs? Pretty please?
The FAA Changed Its Definition of ‘Astronaut’ on the Same Day Jeff Bezos Went to Space
Jeff Bezos is a lot of things. A tax-dodging megalomaniac. A Dr. Evil lookalike. A weirdly horny cowboy hat enthusiast. The one thing he isn’t—at least as far as the Federal Aviation Administration is concerned—is an astronaut.
But the Blue Origin space capsule has the biggest windows in spaaaaace.
So Jeff has that going for him, which is nice.
The infrographic neglects to mention how many launches have been made at (or above) those respective altitudes.
Looks to me like Musk is the only one of the three that is serious about what they are doing.
For Branson, it looks like a sideline… not sure what Bezos ultimately has in mind. I’ve heard about a Heavy Booster at some vague future date, but Musk has already done so, & has a bigger one under construction.
Living in ‘interesting times’ isn’t all bad…
I met a SpaceX engineer who said he was being worked to death. Makes sense as musk-co ethos.
That total abandon of work/life balance and exploitation of musk employees are good to keep in mind when folks demonize bezos and canonize musk.
Not a musk fanboy. /trol
And in 2004 didn’t Brian Binnie in Burt Rutan’s Spaceship One attain a max altitude of 112 km (69 miles)?
Oh but he doesn’t count in the “Battle of the Billionaires” orbital pissing contest.
Note to self: Patent idea for Bezo Head Pez Candy Dispenser.
Not to mention, SpaceX history of disregard for safety.
The moon is roughly a thousand times farther than Space X travelled and Mars is a million times farther. Relatively speaking, the billionaires’ dicks are so small they can’t be measured.
Surely there are enough zeros available to spare one to the left of the decimal, and a great many to the right before we get to one of the other numerals, no? I think their dicks are measurable, just not worth enshrining.
Is it in yet, Jeff?
Same as on Wall Street. You get a prestige job, work your ass off for not that good salary for a couple of years, but then you have the credentials to live on for the rest of your career.
This is different than for regular workers who work their ass off for low pay and have to keep doing it for the rest of their lives.
So says emperor Elon.
I wish.
His goal is the accumulation of wealth.