David Byrne on creative life in NYC: The Rent is Too Damn High

He Thinks the rent is too damn high, he should try living in Sydney!

No, he shouldnā€™t.

Anyway, I have affordable rent in ā€˜Sydneyā€™ā€¦a full 2 hours west of the CBD :confused:

When I first moved to Australia, I was looking at the website gumtree, and thinking ā€˜OK, these prices arenā€™t so bad, frankly a bit cheaper than I was expecting.ā€™

Then I looked more closely, and realized all the prices I was reading were PER WEEKā€¦

New York has its share of tourists, too. I wave to the doubledecker buses from my bike, but the passengers never wave back. Why? Am I not an attraction?

David Byrne must be doing something wrong. These tourists will ordinarily wave at anyone.

Of course, if artists move to places with NO wealthy people then they wonā€™t have potential patrons around to buy their art. Itā€™s a delicate balance.

Itā€™s probably the uncontrollable grouch waves coming off of him. This guy doesnā€™t look that old, but heā€™s already at full crotchety.

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