Design suggestion box

ya, the existing spoiler tags work, just not on images. i tried it on the sandbox

do it, dude!

I dunno, I big black box like this, is almost as seizure inducing, if we want spoiler images we probably want some sort of collapse trick


I was a bit surprised to find that my ā€œnameā€ (and not my ā€œusernameā€) gets used when a comment is shown on a topicā€™s page on the main site. Maybe this would be made more clear?

I have also noticed that guests cannot ā€œlikeā€ a comment. Would it be worthwhile to allow it? It seemed like a lot of ā€œlikesā€ given previously were from guests, although some of those were probably people who did not realize they had been logged out.

This is actually a configuration option in the plugin that moves comments between here and the main site. Either it uses the full name or the unique, short username, but out of the box itā€™s the full name. Perhaps @beschizza could make a call on that?

We should use what @zogstrip suggested here:

Feature request: If Iā€™m tracking/watching a topic, and a moderator moves some posts to a new topic, Iā€™d expect to be tracking/watching the new topic as well.


Iā€™m torn between the useful @handle twitter-style system or specified nicks. Iā€™ve seen the same debate among twitter client developers and users ā€“ people like showing their nicknames, but then things get confusing in systems where serious functionality is built around remembering usernames.

We should harmonize between BBS and the blog, though, for sure. So @deanputney, letā€™s set the blog to usernames.

Done. We should see this appear in about ten minutes.

the bar is blackā€¦ the bar is whiteā€¦ the bar is blackā€¦

I moved 9 posts to a new topic: How do we encourage more new community topics on BBS?

Weā€™ve added the bubble. And weā€™re also working on a subtle but expansive redesign of the homepage that will hook it into BBS much better than it is now. Itā€™s really important that we do this ā€“ everything must ā€œworkā€ as people expect it to


Pretty certain itā€™s still a standard in the UK.

Well, I guess we donā€™t have the metric system and they space their sentences incorrectly, canā€™t win.

Another good way to handle that is to show comments youā€™ve already read in a lighter color; makes it very easy for the eye to spot the new stuff when scrolling quickly. (Especially if youā€™re using a browser that actually scrolls smoothly: i.e., not Chrome.)

Iā€™m just not grokking the display of replies both inline and at the bottom of the page; seems Iā€™m shown most comments twice. What paradigm am I failing to synergize with?

You can like a reply if you click the arrow to move to the bottom of the page where itā€™s posted at the root level. Of course, youā€™re then knocked out of the flow.

I guess Iā€™d think of expanded replies as a ā€œsneak previewā€ buttonā€¦ when you see a post so engaging that you want to ā€œpeek aheadā€ and see what kind of responses it got. Alternately, if you have no plans to read the rest of the topic, if you just came for a specific popular post and are curious about the replies to just that post but not the rest of the topic.

We have discussed collapsing the replies youā€™ve already ā€œsneak previewedā€ in the stream.

That would definitely make it more sensible in my head. In fact, that would be like context-aware progressive disclosure, but hopefully with a cooler name.

My RSS reader fades stories once I have scrolled past them and I find it rather annoying. If you read through a thread and want to back to quote-reply, it seems like making those ā€œreadā€ posts a lighter color could make them harder to read. You can have text come back to ā€œnormalā€ if the cursor is hovering over them, like my reader does, but then it is annoying to have text flickering on and off.