There’s certainly too much embarrassment and shame in this particular simulation. What kind of a mad coder would include features such as accidental public farting, super fails at attempting first dates, way too big or too small body features, and the rest we all grind our teeth over (for years…)?
Assuming for a minute that the simulation is real, its creator would probably have coded in the laws of physics and then left it to run. Almost anything can happen after that. Why bother with all the fine detail when it will figure itself out? That’s how I would do it anyway.
Exactly. So if the supposed authors of our reality are inferior writers to us their supposed creations, what does that say about them?
The simulation hypothesis is just another non-falsifiable speculation that’s a difference which makes no difference. If any God is responsible for this mess, let them beam down and own up to their screw ups. Until that happens, they may as well not exist as probably don’t.
I have no doubt that if I created a universe it would crash and burn long before there was time for intelligent life to evolve. I’d fuck up basic physics and create one where matter can’t exist, the end.