Entrepreneurs are seeing mini-empires of Airbnb properties collapse

Are you joking? No bogeymen coming to evict you? Don’t you have Bailiffs? Don’t you know that Bailiffs and landlords try every dirty trick in the book to get people out of properties? Yes, you can stand firm, but you need to know the law in this area inside out, and also all the necessary procedures. You also need courage and nerves of steel. Don’t tell ME the bogeymen aren’t coming for you. Maybe not for me or you, but for a lot of people, they will come.


Wondered what sort of tiny violin posts I’d see as I clicked the “comments” link. Not disappointed, not even one tiny little eensey weensy bit.


You can get deferrals on rent, for a couple months payments, usually due as a lump sum within 6 months.
Mortgages, I think they’re updating terms to allow your missed payments to be added to the end of the term. So these Airbnb folks should be fine in most states.


Wait wait wait, you mean to tell me that a private platform designed to decrease the friction on various forms of rent-seeking has proven to actually be a fragile smoke and mirrors show that doesn’t work in a crisis!? Well…I, for one, am shocked, absolutely thunderstruck that an extractive app-based business would cleverly manuever itself out of any liability that could arise from foisting negative externalities on over-leveraged consumers and markets.


Who would have guessed the method of performing a service by going outside the regulatory framework would leave people unprotected by the regulatory framework?


This is truth, I have a couple of rentals and the tenants are having (more than usual) trouble making the rent due to layoffs etc.

Thankfully we live in the Socialist Republic of British Columbia and there are real sized rent and income supports for renters. I mean it, this pandemic has made me damn glad to live in Canada in a province run by a democratic socialist/green coalition government.


Fred you are stuck in the past. These measures spelled out rather plainly in the CARES act are both fair and temporary. If you are experiencing the urge to pay rent right now but don’t have the job or money due to the virus, please be advised that your landlord is entitled to ALSO forbear their mortgage and skip payments. No I am not joking. There may be little precedence for this sort of thing, but I am willing to make precedence and you should be too. The CARES act is very clear. Freddie and Fannie take the hit, not you. If you have the ability, the first thing you should pay is your taxes, before your mortgage and before your rent. Only when you achieve stability back should you even consider paying your rent.

Try the do not pay app. https://donotpay.com ; it is magical and it does work. If it does not work:

I will be your pro bono lawyer and fix it for you. This goes for anyone who can read this. DM me. I know I have strong opinions and write too loudly, but when push comes to shove you want a loud motherfucker with a conscience on your side.


I concur.

Are we talking about the situation in the US? Or in the world generally?


“Side effects of coronavirus may include schadenfreude.”


None of that is the case for many Americans.


Greed is bad.


At this point, whose even looking to rent? I think they’re screwed no matter what. Not that that bothers me.

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Of course it was. The whole problem is that Airbnb should have been highly regulated from the git go.


There are people who don’t want to own a house or apartment. Who is going to lease it to them if not a landlord?


The government?


First, what @alahmnat said. Government controlled rental housing. But not the current government. Rather an ideal government that gives the fuckiest of a fuck about its citizens; something we haven’t had in my lifetime. Certainly not these self serving wolves in political clothing.

Second, I didn’t say there shouldn’t be landlords. I said I had no sympathy for them because – the way they work now – they add to the misery of humankind. Some (many?) have been raising rent during this pandemic, for fuck sake.

How many stories have you seen about landlords demanding they be paid during this pandemic, even going to the point of breaking federal law to verify their tenants had received their piddly $1,200 stimulus checks?

Yes, the landlord has bills that need to be paid too, possibly even a mortgage on the property (or properties) they’re renting out; if they haven’t paid it/them off. But why are the landlord’s bills more important than those of their tenants? Or more important than their tenants being able to afford food or medicine? Also, I would expect landlords to have more of a financial safety net than their tenants are likely to have. If not, they shouldn’t have become landlords in the first place.

I view the majority of landlords as being part of the “monied class” if only because they have an excess of wealth to be able to purchase additional land and rent it to those who don’t have the means or desire to own land. That’s not even taking into account how many rentals are owned by literally soulless corporations and the like.

If they organized and petitioned the government right now to do something more effective to help everyone stuck in the crushing end of this mess, the current government – that have shown again and again that they only listen to the monied class and not the common people – might actually do something to help the common people instead of funneling so much additional money into the pockets of the wealthy and themselves.

Instead, the landlords turn their Sauron-like gaze to their tenants and demand, “Pay me, bitch!” and add to the crushing and misery of the non-wealthy classes.

Fuck landlords and any problems they might have, now and forever.


All this talk about the host getting screwed by airbnb What about guest like me unable to cancel because i couldn’t supply airbag with documents when my reason was plan and simple I am afraid of dieing, so i had no choice but to reschedule or loose $2900 dollars
The host was no better than airbnb
So let the chips fall…we all are screwed …so why not Brian Chesky

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Oprah to Airbnb moguls: “You get a bankruptcy! And YOU get a bankruptcy! EVERYBODY GETS A BANKRUPTCY!”

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In the US, banks are offering payment deferral programs to landlords who aren’t collecting rent because of COVID. All part of the benefits of doing things within the well-regulated system, instead of trying to do an end-run around it like AirBnB speculators.