Epipens have more than quintupled in price since 2004

Seems like the prescribing problem is mostly due to the strong marketing of the brand “Epi-Pen”, to the extent that doctors and insurers are unaware of alternative EAI options

[quote=“doctorow, post:1, topic:81042, full:true”]
A similar device, the Adrenaclick, was prescribed just a few hundred times last year, and a generic version was prescribed about 183,000 times, according to data from IMS Health. Since that device isn’t considered by the Food and Drug Administration as therapeutically equivalent to the EpiPen, it can’t be substituted when filling a prescription.[/quote]
While it shouldn’t be necessary, it sounds like a savvy patient can ask the doctor to not write the word “Epi-Pen” on their prescription, but instead “epinephrine Injection, USP, auto-injector”, and can then get Adrenaclick or a generic.


No Rational Actor would fund them, they’d be unenforceable and wholly bought off by Lobbyists.

It’s completely divorced from reality.


It’s amazing how far you can move your definition of luck in a few short years, isn’t it? I feel very lucky too.

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Has it lasted more then 4 hours? You should go see a doctor, for free, about that immediately.

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Priapism almost seems preferable at this point.

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I’ve never met the Rational Actor. Not once, despite looking for most of my life.

One of the most foolish possible gambles is to depend on someone doing the Right Thing® from their own perspective. Many construction workers will vote for Trump, despite his long standing record of cheating and lying to construction workers. North Carolina farmers are quite likely to be bigoted against migrant workers, despite their utter economic reliance on such workers and intimate acquaintance with hardworking, upstanding members of that labor force.

Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground comes to mind. “One’s very own free, unfettered desire, one’s own whim, no matter how wild, one’s own fantasy, even though sometimes roused to the point of madness-all this constitutes precisely that previously omitted, most advantageous advantage which isn’t included under any classification and because of which all systems and theories are constantly smashed to smithereens.”

Ancient peoples harnessed the irrationality of man to serve social purposes, rather than stupidly expecting men to behave rationally, when all prior history shows that we are irrational, excitable, self-deluding animals. But using mankind’s foibles to induce cultivation of φρόνησις (phronesis) and virtus has turned out to be quite difficult in the American population.


Me neither. And still the science* of economics has build skyscraper-high theories based on this poor guy.

* I use the word loosely


And thus my opinion of Libertopian fantasy.


Last time I saw a doctor I had to take my pants off, and I might need a colonoscopy (is that TMI?) so I think I’ll wait a little longer on that one.

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