Every time there's a mass shooting, gun execs & investors gloat about future earnings

Oh My God. Now I’m worried for this lady. Her life is now in so much greater danger of being ended. She plans on using a gun to protect herself against armed gang members? She thinks the police won’t shoot a black person with a gun? She is not in a safe place now, her risk of dying just skyrocketed. Thanks NRA.

That one is just SICK…ugggh.
The commercial can be summed up as immigrants = evil, and black man with gun = safest place.

I know right?

wow. that is seriously f*cked up?
“we can end those Muslims…lets teach them a lesson if they ever show up here!”
a whole stadium of people are applauding…i think i’m going to be sick.


Did you edit away the errors?

Tried. Gave up.

Too much of them, or getting reverted? (For the latter, no reason to fight an edit war, just gripe on the talk page.)

Gee, Nuremberg. 70 years and we’ve forgotten already.

Well done us.

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USA, Yes!


Yeah, and all that equipment that got brought back and given to police forces got used in ways that would have been totally unacceptable had they been soldiers…

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It reminds me of Fox News’ style which makes me so sad for what this site could be.

It’s interesting that policing and, especially, the so-called “War on Drugs” uses the same equipment, many of the same personnel, and rhetoric as an actual war, but LEOs don’t have to worry those pesky Hague Conventions …


Or even the UMCJ.


Okay I be corrected then… I just don’t think the anarchy utopia is gonna work at a large scale, having kings/senators/emperors/etc kinda rose about from having a big specialized society.

[quote=“Brainspore, post:42, topic:70259, full:true”]That’s how the gun lovers usually frame it, but few if any politicians have actually argued for banning all guns. Go ahead, name one prominent politician who says “let’s put an end to all private gun ownership.”

It’s never been about banning guns. It’s about regulating them as the dangerous objects they are.
Politicians aren’t bright, but prominent politicians know better than to advocate abolishing all private gun ownership, and none will go on the record.

Maryland Deputy Attorney General Thiruvendran Vignarajah:

“My complete answer, off the record, is we should ban guns altogether, period,”

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Yeah - except racial minorities also owns guns. And gun control pushes have had a history of being done in order to keep guns out of the hands of minorities. One of my first direct interactions with the NRA was actually a black man in the 90s talking about all of this. Many suggestions here on BB by users would unfairly effect the poor and minorities. I’ve pointed it all out before.

I confess I haven’t read this entire book, but I have read excerpts relating to the history of the bias against specifically black men owning firearms. It is on my reading list as I have had it suggested by many. Some want to paint the NRA as a bunch of racist red necks, but they aren’t suggesting laws that would unfairly target minorities.


Acknowledging that there are specific types of governments at specific historical times is hardly teleological.

I’m not sure that’s the goal of most, if any anarchists. I think it tends to local self-government, where the people who are “in charge” are part of a face to face community. Maybe the question is whether or not large-scale societies (be it empires, kingdoms, city-states, or nation-states) are good for the majority of people or not? It comes back to the question of what does a large scale community actually do - does it protect people from the state of nature of humanity, which is imagined to be brutal or does it merely move power/goods/food/etc up the chain for some elite to hoard at the expense of the rest of us? I’m not sure that’s been decided one way or the other.


So is cancer.

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That doesn’t mean that owning guns makes you into an oppressed minority.

Racial minorities also drive cars, but I don’t scream “this is blatant discrimination!” every time I have to renew my license at the DMV. If you’re going to accuse gun control advocates of being the new Jim Crow then at least try to limit that accusation to laws which would disproportionally disenfranchise minorities.


I like the old comparison of Gun Ownership to Smoking.

Smokers have been gradually squeezed out of society. Cant smoke on planes, then in restaurants, then nasty messages get put on the boxes and the price is taxed up. Gradually pushed into less and less places where you can smoke, both legally and socially.

The NRA doesn’t want that. They don’t want the slow squeeze. So, they have to yell and resist loudly to Everything. Even reasonable limits must be fought. Any suggestion that guns might be a bit unsafe gets a response of insult and outrage. Because if they give way once, then there will be a second time until eventually gun owners are standing out in the cold, with their guns labeled with “May Cause Lung Cancer” messages.


Oh I do. An “assault weapons ban” or “high capacity magazine” ban doesn’t allow for targeting. Something like, “mandatory insurance” is made to exclude lower classes. Another suggestion was interviews for licenses and such, IIRC Australia does this. Or having the sheriff office sign off on a permit to buy a pistol (which is in a few areas still) That right there is exactly the sort of thing that will get abused by biased people.

My two shooting buddies, one black, and one Asian, both put in for their CCW at the same time, and both took the maximum wait time to get approved and they had to call, vs being called like they were supposed to. I applied a few months later, it took a week less and I got a call. Now I hope that it was just a bureaucratic snafu, but it could be the Jackson Co Sheriff office is run by bigots.

Funny you mentioned the DMV, though. My GF just told me a story of her getting a new ID that had been stolen, and the lady was making this darker skinned black man go back and forth, getting all types of crap to confirm his identity. She was like, “I don’t have any of those things. I don’t think I should even bother.” But she went up there and I guess the forms she had were good enough for a new ID. Though she felt that the person at the DMV was just jerking the other guy around and was being nice to her.

In a system that is rife with biases, especially racism, the more power you give them the more they are going to abuse it. The disproportionate conviction rate of minorities shows that while the laws may be the same, their application is not.


That doesn’t mean that having laws is inherently racist, or even a particularly bad idea. I don’t think the solution for “cops pulling over too many black people without just cause” is to end laws against speeding.