Everything I've written on my Freewrite for the last year

Scripting is a “pro” feature. If you’re a pro, you can afford our Tier II subscription services.

Ever shopped for optical character recognition programs (because damn it, an GUI for OCR makes sense)?

Abbyy wants to capture the legal services market. So if you use windows, scripting is extra. If you use a mac, scripting is built in, but you lose other things.)

Yup. And that’s what I loathe. A program without a well-documented scripting API of some sort is, in my book, broken. It shouldn’t cost extra in the same way that it not setting your computer on fire shouldn’t cost extra.

(“Ah, sir wants our triple-platinum arson-free subscription? Exquisite choice.”)


I think that was sold by Olivetti in Europe.My memory said Epson as I seem to remember similar devices branded Epson when I was cleaning offices as a kid but that might have been a slightly earlier and uglier thing according to teh wikis

I don’t remember the SInclair one though, I doubt offices would have bought them.

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Your definition of elitist and his, differ.

I’m open to the possibility. I’m of the opinion that people are, on the whole, clever and capable and are rendered incapable chiefly by broken systems they are made to labor under. The way we build computers these days, I claim, is one of those systems.

With the best will in the world I can’t see how that’s elitist. Who’s the elite?

the best will in the whole world? That sounds positively commonplace, pedestrian, no elite there, no sir.

So it’s called Freewrite because it frees you from writing that much?

You are unfamiliar, then, with the idiomatic use of ‘the best will in the world,’ are you?

That’s a totally non-elitist assumption, not! Could you just stop and accept that you sound elitist to someone who isn’t wrong to think it, and just be okay with that, maybe? Nobody has said it to hurt you. ok? Thank you.

I accept you cannot see it. I don’t accept that you’re trying to. Quite the opposite.

Well, the alternative is that you have willfully and dishonestly misinterpreted a common saying for purposes of cheap sophism and I am loathe to make that assumption. It would not be elitist, perhaps, but it would be unkind.

Depends. That I, taken as sum total, sound elitist to some people under some circumstances? Certainly. I’ll listen to their perspective on it and seek to mend my ways. That I sounded elitist when I suggested that something I know how to do is easy enough that everyone could learn it, too? I find it much more difficult to imagine how that might be seen as elitist. That’s like hoping for universal literacy being seen as ‘elitist.’

I don’t really care why they said it. This is immaterial. I care if it is true. If it is, I want to understand why so I can improve myself. If it isn’t, it isn’t.

And if you substantiated that claim in any way, I may be more willing to lend it any credence whatsoever.

Holy Fucksticks!

Just don’t say nobody ever told you, remember you refused to listen.

Can you point to accessible examples of what you’d consider good documentation? (I have a professional interest, here - I’m gathering examples of best practices from the wild.)

I’ll be sure to not say that nobody told me something at some unspecified future date when some unnamed bad thing happens. Certainly. Thanks for the sterling advice, there.

As much as it is common to loathe Microsoft (especially back in the day) I always found .NET documentation to be of excellent quality. Sometimes what it documents is sheer madness, but it documents it as well as can be expected. :slight_smile:

GitHub’s developer docs are excellent, as well, and really nail the ‘as short as possible but no shorter’ thing.

Does that help?

I hope you get frequent flyer miles for ego trips.

Sure does, thanks. It’s sort of an informal polling project of mine - I hear that about GitHub’s docs, and .NET has come up a few times as well.

No problem. :slight_smile: Glad to help.

Also, look at the documentation of R and its packages. Frequently really top-notch stuff.

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