Evil script replaces punctuation in your code with superficially similar symbols

I would have so used this on a particular dev I worked with a few years ago (I was the UI designer). I used to screenshot his desktop and then sweep all his carefully arranged icons into a corner. I would also scotch tape his mouse. He was French, and very bossy; hearing his escalating exasperation’s (in French) gave the office much joy.

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No, I haven’t.

What a horrible, horrible idea. Code should be verbose, not concise. Never use the ?: operator, ever.

they aren’t exotic characters when they are from your language.

if you want to write any code that can process text from peoples native languages, look for and compare strings, output messages, etc. then this is crucial.

Almost all the programming files i deal with these days are encoded utf8_general_ci or utf8_unicode_ci if extra mappings are needed.

i cannot agree with this! :slight_smile:


Code should neither be excessively verbose nor excessively concise: rather it should be clear.


What a horrible, horrible idea. Code should be verbose, not concise. Never use the ?: operator, ever.

Here is typical line of code in a modern language:

self.extensionContext!.completeRequestReturningItems(self.extensionContext!.inputItems, completionHandler: nil)

Pushed down a wire at 110 baud, and then printed with a ‘flying golfball’ printer at 15 characters per second, it would take about 10 seconds to display that line. That was not a useful style back in those days.

If you took even the type of code that you like and replaced: *,+,-,/,(,) with multiplied-by, plus, minus, divided-by, left parenthesis, right parenthesis; then it would not be better.


Hehe, sounds like the programmers version of the phrase “I’m American, I only need to know English!”


I am proud to be a Programmer
Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget that I have to
export in pure ASCII


This is what version control is for, kids. A good diff tool is your best friend. (or at least I know it’s mine, every time I’m trying to figure out wth I did to this formerly working piece of code).

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“Replace a semicolon ( ; ) with a greek question mark ( ; ) in your friend’s C# code and watch them pull their hair out over the syntax error.”

Both ; glyphs in the above were semicolons, you filthy liars. How dare you.


And God forbid that non-Anglophones should be able to declare token names in their preferred language. Learn American, you filthy foreign programmers.

; ≠ ;

… let’s see how the post system handles these …

Made me sputter with amusement. More like this, please!

I remember CS guys in college taking the APL course. The ultimate goal was to get the assignment down to a single line of code.

Being an EE I never got much beyond PL-1 (a cousin to Pascal) and WATFIV (Waterloo Fortran IV) for heavy duty stuff.

Then there were the LISP guys.


%macro greetings;
data _null_;
file print;
put “Holy shit!!! I never run into other SAS programmers in the wild! Hi there!!!”;


Bah! Stick with Fieldata and you’ll never have these problems.

If you did that, you’d be writing Cobol :barf:

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