Evolutionary psychologists are very butthurt about the new Scientific American

Airlines collect it to report to governments and match with government records.

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Yes, that sentence struck me as particularly bad. The way I see it the only thing that is settled is that there are innate biological differences between the sexes (aside from the obvious), the impact those differences have is very much an unsettled question though, and I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect they should have been settled by now, it’s not like it’s a simple problem.


Sure, if we were living in the historical condition where a matriarchy were functioning similarly to our patriarchy, we’d have the same situation. But we’re here on earth-0, or however we want to identify our timeline. It may not even be the darkest timeline, but it does seem to be awfully rife with above-averagely shitty men and above-averagely shitty white people.


Yes, that’s all I’m saying, and that model is functional in the majority of situations, the vast majority of situations, otherwise it wouldn’t be a valid thing to do.

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I almost agree with you, but I think the shit rises to the top. In other words, the women on power are mostly of above-average shittiness, the non-whites in power are of above-average shittiness, etc.

Grant you, Trump is a white man of much above-average shittiness, but, for example, he really has nothing on Duterte, who is brown, or Queen Mary I, who was a woman (although Mary in a historical example).

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See, there’s your problem. I was taught by Dominicans, then Benedictines.

maybe this is part of why the alt-right is so uptight.

in no way does talking about the patriarchy mean “men are bad and evil.” nor does talking about “white supremacy” mean that “white people are bad and evil.” nor does “privilege” mean “people with more economic and social and political connections are evil.”

it’s talking about the system. and yes, it’s appropriate to talk negatively about patriarchy.

“patriarchy”, “white supremacy”, and “privilege” are about continuing artificial constructs which advantage some particular group of people. it’s why that’s why there can even be people of color (ex ben carson) who might support racist gop polices - because it advances their own small personal standing.

to undo the multigenerational damage done by those constructs, by all of the laws and all of the social behaviors acquired by people brought up inside those constructs - it’s necessary to call it what it is. to see the system for what it is.

maybe some “matriarchy” would have been just as harmful - but, it’s hypothetical. the usa has a culture and a system of law(!) which disfavors anyone who is not a white passing, male passing, straight passing person. and that’s what needs a fixing.


Understand, but I think, for example, ‘there are an estimated 15 millions people (or however many) who are not strictly “male” or “female”’ would be a stronger comment on the position the editorial was taking.

For Jews the idea of alien life is not a problem. The Church was probably very familiar with rabbinic discussion on this matter.



Lots of us escaped into gaming when we were young. For myself, it was an early way to express the conflict in my head about my life. More than one friend has said “Oh! That’s why you never played a male D&D character.”


I don’t think it applies to just the alt-right, but anyone.

You don’t have to be a raging racist or misogynist to take some of these things partly personally. Ironically I just replied to someone who asked why he should feel ashamed for his accomplishments because hes white. I think a lot of people take some of these newer ideas and apply them as personal attacks, when really the goal of such things is to point out how society and the system is fucked up. Acknowledging the world is fucked up is the only way there can ever be change. Just like if one faced depression, addiction, etc, one can’t begin to get better with out acknowledging it.

The other problem I see is too many focus on the shrillest, most extreme voices. It is much easier to dismiss a concept when in ones head they are all raging against “you”. But even if one disagrees with the most extreme views, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t valid issues being raised. It also isn’t all or nothing, one can agree with some of the things and at least make partial progress towards a better understanding.


Another way to think about this could be: if outliers are “no big deal”, then if about one out of every hundred people you know are intersex, why are most of them not comfortable having this recognized in their everyday relationships? The same way as being male or female are? I am curious about why when these statistics are thrown about, it is almost invariably to explain a part of the population away.

FWIW I am not on board with using “butthurt” to describe upset people. It sounds like it equivocates dismissing people who complain about something with victims of sexual violence, which is IMO not good to throw around in casual discussion.


Bene Gesserit FTW!


I was ill the day we did the Orange Catholic Bible.


Younger me: “I’m just spending hours upon hours downloading character customization mods for Morrowind and tweaking textures for my female Wood Elf because I like looking at pretty ladies.”


Nicely said!

@Ambiguity: Patriarchy as a system is also harmful to men in a variety of ways. Smashing it frees both sexes and all genders.



Can someone who knows how to all the likes all the likes this please and thanks? I literally can’t agree more.


I disagree entirely. I think a random population figure has zero significance to the average person, whereas the significance of individual archetypes the average person might interact with on a normal basis can’t really be understated (imho of course.)


Why do consider immutability and a spectrum to be incompatible (or do you not and i just misunderstood)?