Explaining marine invertebrate reproductive strategies to the lobster-obsessed Jordan Peterson

Yes, just not quite in the way you’ve become enamoured of.

You’ve decided that certain types of hierarchical structures and dynamics are inescapable in human society, and that we must subsume ourselves to playing games on their terms.

Quite why you’ve decided that, when it does not actually follow from any of this, is a question you should seek answers to.

As I’ve said, these hierarchical tendencies are simply one set of ways that component-based systems can self-organise, and the way they do so may be transient, unstable, and in flux. The hierarchies are far from absolute even for components with little or no agency, and look at us.

We are introspective, communicating, organising, social beings. We not only have all of the emergent organisational patterns of nature to draw upon, but we can look upon them, recognise them, discuss them, change them, break them. If some people want to get all hierarchical up each others arses, that’s a choice they can make… and if they don’t even realise they’re making it? Well, perhaps it’s time for the disruptors to shine a light on things.

If you’re going to go for the whole ‘objective rational’ persona, it would really help if you tried to stop passing off your hidden assumptions and simplifications as axiomatic necessities.