FedEx won't ship milling machine that makes untraceable guns

True. Even the one shown in the image was subcontracting.

I want the NRA to make this a pet project just to see the circus. “FEDERAL agents are taking our guns!”


It’s particularly odd as getting a gun in the US is kinda like buying milk. You can even get them both in some of the same stores.

Yeah I know but I couldn’t find a good gif of the other homemade weapons from the Jackal. Plus Bruce Willis with a mustache is funny.


You forgot one…

Old-time meatspace company (FedEx) uses legal and political cover to suppress new technology that is a serious threat to their business model.

Seriously, I don’t give a shit about Amazon Prime Drone Delivery.

Give me Amazon Prime Print@Home already.


Only if you can be posted somewhere.

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Google’s, Amazon’s, or Microsoft’s?


That’s an iCloud!!!

Have some faith in the system. There are primary key constraints for a reason.

There can be only one.

Do they refuse to ship mills and lathes too?


God damn! Call the trademark attorney, STAT!

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Well, maybe, how much would making a gun cost after start-up costs? Untraceable guns that are also cheap enough to be disposable wouldn’t be something I’d care for. (Since I have zero knowledge here I’d be happy to hear from someone who does). OTOH, if it’s not worth it that just means we have so many guns in this country it’s easier to just buy or steal one illegally than to make one with this plug-and-play machine, which is also worrisome.

Probably just the ones explicitly marketed as being suitable for making firearms.

Well, yeah. I mean, other than marketing, all mills and lathes are suitable for making firearms. (Not that I’ve tried but I know it isn’t hard.)

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you over estimate the public’s ability to not kill/disfigure themselves trying to make a gun.


I wouldn’t trust that milk though.

Cheap because it’s even smaller. The best reference I can find to working envelope is a “maximum part dimension” of 230 x 90 x 100mm.

This works for them because they’re not planning it to to create what most laypeople would call a gun. Just the “lower receiver” a lightly-stressed comparatively simple part that is the “serialized” part of an AR-type rifle: the part whose purchase requires a name and a background check to buy(with some exceptions, I think?)

Many of the other components are large, have complex shapes, or need to be made of decent steel and hardened, but all of those can be bought anonymously, for cash.

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And of with the “just the receiver” rules a Sten would be far easier to make a d less prone to screw ups. Heck a Vickers would be eve easier…