Florida squatter's $700k condo heist lands him 40 years behind bars

■■■■■ isn’t even likely to get home confinement, and the scale of his fraud ( not to mention his multiple frauds ) dwarfs this completely.

every talking heads says, oh it was his first conviction, so it will be a light sentence. what’s the difference here?

american prison sentences are draconian. except when you’re white, and then they’re only sometimes draconian, except if you’re also rich, and then they’re barely noticable

i mean, holy hell, ( anger not directed at you ) the freaking sacklers got to keep their money no problem. despite being ground zero of the opioid epidemic, and the destroyers of so many lives


claims to deconstruct the squatting hysteria.

in Florida, this intersects with perennial concerns about swindling the elderly.

These two frames allowed for the 40 year jail term.


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