From prisons to factories to offices: the spread of workplace surveillance and monitoring tech


Today, it’s Saudi women being tracked by their oppressive husbands. Tomorrow it’s workers in the warehouse, or the office, or keeping tabs on where you are in the building, how many words you type, how many reports you complete, where you surf on the Internet, how many sodas you drink all day, whether you speed excessively, how much time you spend sitting down watching Netflix.

Surveillance society is here. Every aspect of your life is being tracked, your home is listening to you, your smart TV, your Alexa or Nest or iBot is telling a company somewhere something about you whenever you’re in the room.

China, oh lovely China has implemented a technology where you are being tracked and recorded and your social credit score can affect your ability to use airplanes, trains, or soon any aspect of life the Chinese deem appropriate. Social control using social media engineering and negative gamification feedback loops.

Bothered by this? No? You should be. What this is becoming is a world where we are being optimized by our remote technology and the corporations who use it.

Not for our benefit, because we aren’t getting paid better for having it done. We are being tracked, monitored, followed and recorded so corporations can ensure YOU ARE BEING MILKED FOR EVERY ABSOLUTE DROP OF PRODUCTIVITY, with no margin for error, creativity, nuance or opportunity to rest or recuperate.

That paranoid feeling you have every time you walk into your workplace is real. Your computer is watching you. Your keystrokes, your browser time, tracking your emails, watching your face. Your phone is a data system and can be manipulated so that your calls are recorded. Your keycard tells them where you are at all times. Your office supplied smartphone phone may be equipped with a tracking app to keep tabs on you.

It’s for your own good they tell you. They tell you its so they can make your work experience better. So they can provide you with the tools you need to do your job better, make you more effective, more productive.

But ask yourself: When was the last time anything at your job felt LESS OPPRESSIVE than it did the day before?

The defense rests.