General Moderation Topic
The OP of the topic says “Feminist Frequency is bad because Tropes Versus Women in Video Games is bad” and that “BoingBoing is worse for authors liking Feminist Frequency.” Then he makes exactly zero reference to any work outside Tropes Versus Women in Video Games. Then he goes on to talk about the nature of online forums themselves, and claims to regularly visit reddit and other sites without even knowing anything about GamerGate. Then he goes on to (again) criticize BoingBoing and claim that he is being unfairly targeted because we’re the close minded ones.

Using your analogy as best I can, Cory posts about liking Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the top post was “BoingBoing just looks foolish recommending a Jim Carrey vehicle because even in Liar Liar he isn’t a believable lawyer.” And then the posts become about how movie representations of lawyers should adhere to reality better with no mention about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind at all.

So I’m wondering how far does the topic need to stray off topic before it is considered off topic at all.