Goldman Sachs really only has to pay half of its settlement for world-destroying financial fraud

[quote=“bric, post:40, topic:76488, full:true”]Fair, and where do those ones stand on executing bankers?

Remember, it’s the supposed inefficacy of the US DOJ and consequent calls to murder on Boingboing BBS that I take exception to.

Most of 'em aren’t keen on executing anyone at all.

Unlike the USA.

It’s the characterisation of the US as some sort of world leader for justice that I take exception to. On the issue of whether the rhetoric here in response to plutocratic outrages is going beyond the pale…I’m undecided.

When I was younger, I was a committed moderate centre-left person, with a strong interest in finding common ground and understanding with people who were my political and cultural opposites. A repeated phrase of mine was “radical, with a few honourable exceptions, is usually a synonym for dangerously stupid”.

But then Bush happened. And the invasion of Iraq. And the looting of Iraq. And the GFC. And the complete lack of justice following that. And the increasing global callousness towards refugees. And the continued suicidal inaction on climate change. And so on. And so on. And so on.

So, I don’t know. Part of my head says that violent rhetoric is dangerous and distasteful, best avoided at all times. Part of my head says that you need to give some rhetorical slack to people who are blowing off steam in response to sustained injustice.

And part of my head is thinking about sharpening pitchforks.

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