Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 1)

This is an actual entry in the shopping list I keep on my phone:

  • Anti Midge Anything (Flamethrower?)

Another “cooking for the weather I want” Saturday meal. Vietnamese chicken coleslaw with mint, basil, coriander and a pile of crispy-fried shallots.

Sunday night to be Bánh xèo as another first-at-home.


Ooooooooohh! I love Vietnamese and Cambodian cuisine and make some awesome dishes that I have found along the way! I keep a 750ml bottle of fish sauce and grow shit tons of Thai basil, cilantro and mint just for making said culinary delights!

Today tho, our Saturday grill-up was my own concoction of “Starfruit Snapper” where I marinated some fresh-caught yellowtail snapper in this mix of mango, homegrown carambola (starfruit), homegrown red chilies (hot!), lemongrass and ginger. Grilled on super hot grill for no more than 5 minutes and served whith grill-roasted brussels sprouts and a little of the salsa on top!


Finally got around to making blintzes! Filled them with farmer’s cheese flavored with a bit of cinnamon and vanilla. The filling:crepe ratio worked out well, so I had only 2 crepes left when I ran out of filling. They freeze well, we will have blintzes for a while.
Last night was brisket and mashed potatoes. I used a dry rub from Epicurious, (The Turkish one) and cooked it in the instant pot. Got a lot of meat for 2 people, but again we now have brisket in the freezer. Why yes, I do have a lot of freezer space in my house, and most of it is full.


Ooh, so jealous about the brisket. We went around to 3 local farms today, and everyone was out of brisket, and most beef in general. According to them, there’s a back-log at the local butchers due to COVID-related unemployment. These are small operations, maybe 15 or so employees, each, now down to 2 or 3. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out on the local scene.
But more OT, your blintzes sound delicious!


Resident chef is also cooking for the weather he wants- fall. Yesterday it was roast chicken with finger potatos covered in garlic butter. Today it is spaghetti and meatballs. Two soups on the menu later this wek :laughing:


Yuym! I love blintzes. I also add a little grated orange peel and a few sultanas plumped up in Grand Marnier.


First attempt, and recipe from here. Two comments: first, the mix was too thick, which I suspect depends on how thick your coconut cream is, so I ended up adding about 3/4 of a cup of water; and second, rice flour means it’s crisp but has no structural integrity. I might add another tablespoon of wheat flour next time. Definitely a keeper though - the flavour is wonderful.

@FloridaManJefe - this is definitely one for the man who has a 750ml bottle of fish sauce, if you haven’t made this already.


That looks and sounds amazing


Speaking of recipe issues, I keep seeing, for example, “1 c. chick peas, soaked and boiled.” Presumably that means take 1 cup then soak and boil it – which gives something closer to 2 cups – as opposed to taking 1 cup of already-soaked-and-boiled chickpeas.

The other is “x stalks of celery.” I used to think that this was one stalk:

…but I’ve since read that this is one stalk:

If they call for six stalks in a recipe I have to assume that they think the former is “one stalk.”


Huh, I didn’t know that about celery!
Yeah, the beans thing always gets me. I almost always start with dry beans, and just want to know clearly if they mean the volume of finally “prepared” beans or the dry volume. I’ve done a lot of translating from cans to dry amounts in my cookbooks over the years.
Your celery story reminded me: a roommate in college thought one clove of garlic was a whole head. Those calzones were intense. :grinning:


I’ve made that mistake. Confused bulbs for cloves. My lasagna was utterly inedible, although my chainsmoking roommate didnt seem to notice the garlic.


They probably mean 6 ribs (top pic - that’s a rib of a stalk)
Unless you’re making celery soup.


Happy Mutants, when life gives you lemons how do you juice them? ( limes too. ) After three bags full, my hand, arm and shoulder are killing me. But a few pints of juice we’re made.


Nothing of use in the BoingBoing store?


I use an electric juicer for amounts larger than four or five fruits. At one job they used only fresh citrus juice and when I got hired they were juicing everything by hand. I got a heavy duty bar juicer, it made my coworkers very happy. They still do key limes by hand because they are too small for the juicer cone. It was my least favorite task ever at that job.


Tried our hand at vegetarian bangers and mash. We had mashed potato squash from the csa and bought Field Roast Italian sausage. Also roasted some rainbow carrots our neighbor gave us from his garden.

I put my vegetarian gravy on the side because I am not a big fan…


Thank you.


More than a few fruits and I break out the food processor and juice accessory. Though we don’t own one, there is an attachment for kitchenaid mixers.


I made pork scallopini Milanese (basically, Wiener schnitzel, Italian-style), spaetzle, and my son made cole slaw.

Sorry the crispiness doesn’t come through the photo!