How 401(k)s created a class of suckers to be fleeced by the investor class

I don’t want to work the rest of my life for someone else. I want to be able to follow my dreams and spend my time as I see fit. Writing mainly, hopefully find a publisher and if not that, promote myself full time. Staying physically healthy, hiking, backpacking and traveling. Being stress free, not having to wake up to a god damned alarm clock every morning. I have worked all my life, since I was 15.5 y/o, the legal age to work in California in 1976. There was no talk of college when I was growing up. In my home college was the devils den of liberal thinking and it was to be shunned. My parents pushed me to join the military. Thank god I didn’t do that. And yes, I do expect to be able to spend twenty years of my life living as I see fit. After spending 55-60 years of one’s life working their asses off, I do believe society owes hard working folks a modicum of dignity and a decent, work free life. We have earned it. We should all hope to be able to do this. Some folks need to work. That’s okay, but it’s working for someone else your whole life, that rankles me. Who needs the stress of working all the time, having to answer to someone else. I certainly don’t. Good luck to you in your future endeavors.


I had the curiosity to look it up. The United States has about the same sum in retirement and pension assets as the value of the National debt, about 20 trillions $.

I am not sure what that means, though.

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I prefer to use Robo-advisors to just buy a few broad ETFs. Then, to slowly move towards bonds instead of stocks as you reach closer to retirement.

Ideally companies would offer 401k’s from which does this for you automatically and cheaply.

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