How might the stock market react to about the forthcoming Pentagon report on UFOs?

Relax. The report is just going to say “swamp gas” printed over and over for all 900 pages.


“ Or, to put the question in market terms: Where is the alpha in Alpha Centauri?”


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Buy tin foil.


Remember that time in 1995 when the General Accounting Office released all those documents from official government report on the 1947 UFO crash at Roswell and it completely changed society in every conceivable way?

This one is gonna be kind of like that.


Or transparent aluminum



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cookbookhuman mmmmhumandinner


My first prediction is that most market prices won’t move very much.

Wall Street may laud it: News that would distract the masses from the real news of soulless profit-driven GOP-propping corporations.


FACT: I’ve never met a bigfoot that believes in aliens.


Scotty – being from the future – must have known that transparent aluminum ceramics have been known of since the 1950s.


Ironically, many of us first heard about Bigfoot on The Six Million Dollar Man, which triples down on the usual mythology by revealing that Bigfoot is an alien robot


As I typed my post I thought about that episode. I was a core demographic for the show. I even had the Steve Majors doll which spent a lot of time riding around in a red convertible barbie sport car of the same era. But I never technically met the Bigfoot in the show so I let that slide. :rofl:


So it’s definitely aliens then? Great!

Ockham’s Raxor is not logically rigorous, not even close. It’s merely a tool to help indicate likely productive avenues of debate/research/discussion. Simply put, sometimes the truth really IS the ugly, unaesthetic, complicated, and/or arcane explanation.

I expect this report to be a mix of things they can explain, and things they can’t explain. And when they can’t explain things, they will probably just leave it at that. It will not be very revelatory.

Or perhaps the govt. has decided that our long-held proof of alien life can’t be withheld from the rest of earth any longer, and the time for unified action from a unified planet is now. But probably not.

it doesn’t need to be logically rigorous to be correct most of the time. remember, it states that when both solutions account for all the facts, then the most logical solution is likely the correct one.

Simply put, sometimes the truth really IS the ugly, unaesthetic, complicated, and/or arcane explanation.

Exactly. The key word there, sometimes.


Ockham’s Razor suggest the simplest possible amswer that fits the kmown facts, is probably correct. It says nothing about “most logical”.

sorry, I was going off of memory, not a google search. So what; it’s essentially mincing words anyway. The simplest solution is more logical than the complicated one.