I joined the great LED Lightbulb debate on the Brian Lehrer Show

I’ve got maybe 5 LED Philips bulbs (with the obnoxious large white base blocking half the lit area) that have lasted about 5 years. They’re not as bright as they used to be; most cast a greyish hue now. They’re in low-use areas like closets.

The rest, which include EcoSmart, Feit, IKEA, SunLight, Sylvania, and Cree (as inventoried by the boxes in my cabinet) are still an experiment in progress. But I’ll never buy mist of them a second time.


Huh, I really have no issue with the leds we’ve put in over the years. There have been a few duds, but I am replacing bulbs way less frequently than with incandescents. And the color spectrum is fine. I don’t know the numbers of what we have put in, but we’ve generally gone for daylight-like and BRIGHT. For most parts of the house, we think of the light we need as task-lighting and we live in Alaska, so during the winter the last thing we want is a murky, dingy, sepia-toned house.

Admittedly, I have not read Scocca’s article in detail, but he didn’t draw me in much by saying led light is bad.

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I’ll note that the LED bulbs and fixtures I’ve used since I got this house, when they fail, either do one of three things:

  1. they just die- no light at all.
  2. they go dim, because one or more of the small surface mount LEDs on the PCB buried under the diffusion cap fail.
  3. they go into ‘induce seizure’ mode (i.e., they strobe on and off, usually somewhere between 5 and 10 hertz.)

most the screw-in bulbs that have died on me did #1 on my list- they just stopped turning on. I may have had one or two pull the second one on the list, and my earlier rant about the LED strips and the failed driver modules were a combination of #3 and #1.

The bulk of the screw in bulbs I’m currently using are Zigbee enabled, RGBW, and are controlled by either voice interaction or a scene controller via a hubitat (the voice interaction is alexa and a plug-in to the hubitat, although I’m looking to change that out for an entirely on-prem based voice interaction setup using Rhasspy on a handful of Pis and a USFF PC as a server, although that’s a low priority project at the moment due to the lack of availability for Pis.)


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