I lived closer to the lakefront, near the Red Line Argyle stop. But I still shopped at Jewel, sometimes!
“How do you feel about having a co-worker that’s a machine instead of a person?” she smiles and says "It don’t really matter.
Egore quietly sheds a silent electronic tear.
Of course later she was fired after offering to open up and show the insides of one of her human co-workers.
I briefly had an apartment off the Argyle stop near the old Essanay Studios building. Great asian food and markets on that strip!
Oh yeah! The bakery on the south side of the street, and the Chinese restaurant on the north side that had the duck roaster in the window? I wonder if the two brothers from South America are still running the diner underneath the platform?
Pretty sure the bakery is still there, but I believe the Chinese restaurant and the diner are gone.
I love her accent.
Her hair should be in a museum.
You need to join me on a phone call to my brother, both native Chicagoans. Then we can go down to the Jewels and grab some Old Style.
This is the only acceptable name for the store
AI. More specifically… ANI?
It says so on its name tag.
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