In his spare time, an engineer found flaws in the classic book "A Million Random Digits"

Also giggling at “biology is easy”. A professor of chemical engineering said to me “Engineering math is so simple undergraduates can be expected to solve the equations. Biology is nowhere near that easy.”


An image came to mind of someone driven to distraction from this and shortly I realized I was imagine the expression of the guy on the cover of Action Comics #1 so now I’m imagining Superman wrecking the car out of frustration from having to proofread this book.


i think learning how to write research papers was the best training possible for programming computers. all the fact gathering, shifting through for what’s most important, planning what to write, and editing.

way more important than a whose who of languages and algorithms. ( though there are some math or algorithm nerd programmers out there who create some pretty amazing things of course. )

I think you are being overly optimistic here.

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@frauenfelder I note you changed ‘forward’ to ‘foreward’, which is ALSO incorrect!

It is foreword

Think: ‘beforeword’ some words before the main text

But I give up.

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Fixed! Thanks!